Cane Fiberboard Degradation within the 9975 Shipping Package during Long-Term Storage Application

W.L. Daugherty - Savannah River National Laboratory
K. A. Dunn - Savannah River National Laboratory
E, R. Hackney - Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, Savannah River Site, Aiken SC
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The 9975 shipping package is used as part of the configuration for long-term storage of special nuclear materials in the K Area Complex at the Savannah River Site. The cane fiberboard overpack in the 9975 package provides thermal insulation, impact absorption and criticality control functions relevant to this application. The Savannah River National Laboratory has conducted physical, mechanical and thermal tests on aged fiberboard samples to identify degradation rates and support the development of aging models and service life predictions in a storage environment. This paper reviews the data generated to date, and preliminary models describing degradation rates of cane fiberboard in elevated temperature – elevated humidity environments.