BNFL’s Experience in preparing and implementing Radiation Protection Programmes for the control of exposure to workers involved with the International Transport of nuclear cargoes

David Billing - British Nuclear Fuels plc
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BNFL International Transport have successfully developed appropriate Radiation Protection Programmes for their business. The business supports BNFL’s worldwide Nuclear Fuel Services with key customer bases in Europe, Japan and the UK, utilising marine, rail and road modal transports. Experience in the business spans over 4 decades. The preparation of RPP’s for each aspect of its operations has been made relatively straight forward in that the key elements within the internationally recognised model RPP (by WNTI) were already in place in BNFL’s procedures to satisfy current National UK and International Regulations. Arrangements are supported by Management systems which comply with International Standards for Quality Assurance. Exposure to key worker groups continues to be within Category 1 (less than 1mSv/y) of the IAEA Transport Regulations TS-R-1 (ST-1 revised)