The Acceptance, Before Transport, of the Waste Radioactive Packages on the Disposal Facilities of ANDRA

P. Lecoq - National Agency for the Management of Radioactive Wastes
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ANDRA has set procedures with the waste generators and with the carriers in order to be sure that all the packages are in accordance with the technical prescriptions and with the specifications elaborated by the Agency. In addition, these procedures guarantee that the safety rules for the storage, and the regulation applicable to the transport of dangerous goods will be respected. The first procedure concerns the package acceptance and is decomposed in four steps : acceptance of the individual package/validation of the shipment/confirmation of the shipment and control at the arrival. The second procedure is a qualification procedure for the carriers, and concerns the applicable regulations and ANDRA's own requirements concerning : driving personnal/vehicles/transport conditions and instructions in case of a road accident. Moreover, quality assurance programs have been established by the carriers for transport operation. To assist them, ANDRA has drafted a quality assurance standard.