SRNL Nuclear Material Management Strategy

Catherine Ramsey - Savannah River National Laboratory
Calen Raulerson - Savannah River National Laboratory

Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) is a multidisciplinary laboratory located on the Savannah River Site (SRS) that specializes in applying state-of-the-art science to provide practical solutions to complex technical problems. In 2021 SRNL went through a contract transition to become an independent Federally Funded Research and Development center which kicked off a period of rapid growth in research and an increased demand for the limited nuclear material capacity. A systematic process was developed for analyzing nuclear material holdings to optimize retention and streamline efforts to disposition legacy material without jeopardizing program execution. This process focused on utilizing the expertise of researchers to identify materials for disposition and retention while creating the visibility of tracking metrics for management to monitor material utilization. This resulted in a ~20% reduction in the powder Material At Risk (MAR) and identified additional candidates that could reduce transuranic holdings by an additional ~30% without endangering future program growth.