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Spent nuclear fuel (SNF) from nuclear power generation requires long-term safeguarding in dedicated
storage facilities and geological repositories. Current safeguards approaches use a combination of
containment and surveillance, and design information verification. Antineutrino emissions from the
ongoing beta decay of fission fragments provide a potential complementary information on potential
diversion of nuclear material or misuse of the facility, as antineutrinos pass through any shielding,
structure, or geology effectively unhindered.
This study investigates a novel antineutrino detection concept using a liquid-organic (LOr) time
projection chamber (TPC), combining scalability and high-resolution particle reconstruction of TPCs
with the large quantity of target hydrogen atoms provided by organic compounds. Geant4- based
simulations and subsequent modelling of the electron drift behavior are used to understand inverse
beta decay (IBD) event topologies and reconstruction in an ISO container-sized concept detector. The
concept detector's expected signal rate, sensitivity to inventory changes and directional capabilities
are then estimated for a representative example repository with varying deployment distances and
scenarios. This estimation is compared to other state-of-the-art antineutrino detection technologies,
including liquid and segmented plastic scintillation detectors, that have been proposed for nuclear
monitoring. This comparison will be used to determine the feasibility and suitability of antineutrino
detectors currently under development as complementary safeguards measure for final disposal of
SNF in geological repositories.