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In a nuclear facility, precise neutron measurements may need to be taken for the purpose of
quantifying the mass of safeguards-relevant nuclear material. However, this material is often
located in an environment with substantial and fluctuating background noise due to other nuclear
material located within the same process area. To control background, the nuclear material of
interest is often transported from a working area to a dedicated shielded measurement area. This
transportation of the safeguards-relevant nuclear material introduces new pathways for the material
to be diverted by a would-be proliferator or stolen by a thief. Likewise, it increases the time
required to take these critical measurements. This work aims to remove the transportation step from
the process and enable the use of high precision non-destructive assay instruments in an
environment with a dynamic background signal. A methodology is demonstrated which uses
dispersed neutron detectors in a mock glovebox environment to quantify a dynamic background
count rate and remove it from a high-level neutron coincidence counter measurement. This
methodology builds upon previous efforts to develop an algorithm for localizing and quantifying
sources within this mock glovebox environment by integrating said algorithm with a background
change detection algorithm, a background signal inference algorithm, and a mass prediction
algorithm to form a single methodology for making near real time nuclear material accountancy
measurements. The effectiveness of this methodology is quantified experimentally by measuring the
mass of a Cf-252 source in an environment where several other Cf-252 sources are moving
throughout the room during the measurement. Over the course of a two-hour measurement, sources
were moved within the gloveboxes to create ten distinct background configurations. Analysis of the
resulting data yielded a 55.4% average error in the mass measurement when our methodology is not
applied, and application of the methodology reduced the average error to -2.6%. This methodology
serves as a proof of concept that precise non-destructive assay measurements can be taken inline at
a nuclear process facility, thus reducing possible pathways for the diversion or theft of safeguardsrelevant nuclear material in addition to potentially enabling critical measurements to be taken more