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Ongoing work at Texas A&M University has produced a nuclear forensics methodology that can
attribute a separated plutonium sample’s reactor-type, fuel burnup, and time since irradiation
(TSI). The attribution of these three parameters is performed using two models trained with
machine learning, a classification model for the reactor-type and a regression model for fuel
burnup. The TSI is calculated analytically using the predicted reactor-type and fuel burnup. Sets
of intra-element isotope ratios are the features used in both models. The training data used in
producing the models is sampled from a library of Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNP) fuel burnup
simulations that have been performed for a set of reactors of interest. For the validation of the
model performance multiple irradiation campaigns were conducted to produce physical samples
that could be attributed. These campaigns involved irradiating uranium samples of varying initial
enrichment levels at the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) and the University of Missouri
Research Reactor (MURR). These include a depleted UO2 sample irradiated at HFIR in a pseudofast neutron spectrum, and a natural UO2 and low enriched UO2 (3.44 wt-%) sample irradiated at
MURR in a thermal neutron spectrum. Subsequently the plutonium produced was separated and
the isotopic concentrations determined. The use of simulated data for the model production, and
then physical data in the use of the model introduces an unavoidable amount of incongruency, as
there will always be differences between these two. Additionally, both sets of data introduce their
own sources of uncertainty, and characterizing this uncertainty is important for judging the
ultimate capabilities of this attribution methodology. A study was performed to use the validation
data’s measurement uncertainties to study the effect that variance in the input can have on model
predictions. To do this, a set of test data was produced for each validation plutonium sample by
sampling each isotope ratio from a normal distribution with the measured mean and variance for
that isotope ratio, and then predictions were made with this data set to find how the predictions
change with the natural variation in the measured isotope ratios values. By analyzing the extended
uncertainty bounds the effect that measurement uncertainty has on the methodology’s prediction
capability can be visualized.