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In August of 2020, C-AAC successfully installed equipment at Los Alamos’s Radiological
Laboratory Utility Office Building (RLUOB) to perform iron analysis by UV-Vis spectrometry and high
precision plutonium assay by coulometry (CPC). The systems will be replacing the instrumentation that
currently supports plutonium modernization, nuclear energy, nuclear forensic, and nuclear safeguard
programs in the Chemistry Metallurgical Research (CMR) facility and will need to prove that they can match
the established instrumentation for precision and accuracy prior to the older systems being retired and the
CMR facility closed in 2024. In addition, the work will have to meet strict standards that support 10 CFR
830.120, Nuclear Safety Management – Quality Assurance Requirements, DOE O 414.1D, Quality
Assurance, and NQA-1 2008/NQA-1a-2009, Quality Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facility
Applications, and NAP 401.1 Weapon Quality Policy. The plan to validate the instruments and methods,
challenges found during the qualification process, and the data used to validate the instrumentation will be