Exploration of a Remote
Antineutrino-Based Monitoring
Concept for Small Modular Reactors

Emma Houston - University of Tennessee
Adam Bernstein - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Tomi A. Akindele - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Marc Bergevin - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Sandra Bogetic - University of Tennessee
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Neutrino detectors have been proposed to meet the safeguards challenges for the next generation of nuclear reactors [1], [2]. While small modular reactors o↵er some nonproliferation benefit arising from their smaller source terms and (frequently) sealed designs, the prospect of remote and widespread deployment may introduce new challenges for nextgeneration nuclear reactor safeguards [3]. Neutrino detection experiments have shown the ability to monitor reactor power from distances beyond the reactor site perimeter [4–7]. In this study we describe a possible method for identifying a cost-e↵ective detector design with minimal mass and overburden, while ensuring collection of su