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A key challenge for future nuclear disarmament treaties lies in verifying the completeness of fissile material baseline declarations. One
approach for this is nuclear archaeology, which aims at reconstructing
the past fissile material production of a country. It is a set of methods
to infer operational production histories of nuclear facilities, typically
combining forensic measurement data with simulation models of the
examined facilities. Hence, nuclear archaeology methods usually apply to the facility level so far. They do not take into account fuel
cycle-level information that may also be contained in declarations,
such as material flows between facilities. To provide a platform for
such fuel cycle analyses, we develop Bicyclus, an open-source Python3
module that couples nuclear fuel cycle simulations with an inference
framework. The user models a fuel cycle in Cyclus, an open-source
simulator, and inputs measurement data and rough estimates of the
operational parameters to be reconstructed. Examples of parameters
are the capacity factor of a reactor or the efficiency of a reprocessing
facility. Following this, the software reconstructs those parameters
using Bayesian inference and Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithms,
and yields estimates of the produced fissile material. Furthermore,
Bicyclus can be used in a measurement-independent mode. Here, the
user specifies ranges of values for uncertain operational parameters.
Then, a Quasi-Monte Carlo method is used to efficiently sample this
parameter space and to obtain aggregated fissile material estimates
and uncertainties. We showcase our approach with a hypothetical
nuclear fuel cycle for military purposes. First, we modelled the fuel
cycle in Cyclus and generated synthetic measurements of the high-level
reprocessing waste and the depleted uranium. Using these measurements in Bicyclus, we reconstructed both operational parameters key
to the plutonium and HEU production as well as the overall fissile
material production. Last, we performed a measurement-independent
estimate of the produced fissile material.