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Nuclear fissile material was measured at the waste produced in the waste minimizing fuel process,
using neutron resonance technique. The waste has different material composition, shapes and
characteristics at each stage in the process. Simulation was basically performed on U235 and
Pu239 assay. The resonance energies were evaluated for uranium and plutonium for the hull waste
and the linearity in detection response was examined by changing density for application of various
type of wastes. The linear resonance energies were determined for content analysis of U235 and
Pu239. From the simulation results, neutron resonance technique is promising to analyze U235
and Pu239 for waste material. Real time and non-destructive fissile assay plays an important role
for large scale pyro-process. An accurate fissile assay will also contribute to an increased
safeguards for the processing system in reuse of fissile materials.