The Status of Ductile Cast Iron Shipping and Storage Containers in the Federal Republic of Germany

G. Wieser - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und –pruefung (BAM), D-12200 Berlin, Germany
D. Aurich - Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prllfung (BAM), D-12200 Berlin, Germany
H. Wüstenberg - Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prllfung (BAM), D-12200 Berlin, Germany
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Papers have been presented in former PATRAM Symposia (e. g. Baatz et al 1980, Keese et al 1980, Droste et al1983, Anspach et al1986, Methling et al1986) describing the development of package designs, results of performance and material testings, applied principles for material evaluations, related quality assurance/ compliance assurance (QA/CA) measures and research efforts on shipping and storage containers made from ductile cast iron (DCI). Since 1979, when the development of DCI-containers began in the FRG, the status has now reached a consolidated level which shall be summarized from the viewpoint of BAM, as the official body in charge of the competent authority to review safety design and the OA/CA measures for transport and storage containers. This view is restricted to Type B approval procedures and does not include any other development or achievement of containers made from DCI. A complementary summary from industry's side is given by Baatz 1989.