Evolution of Radiation Doses Received by Workers and the Public During the Transportation of Radioactive Materials in France

J. Hamard - CEA Institut de Protection et de Sûreté Nucléaire
M. Fignon - CEA, Agence Nationale pour la gestion des Déchets Radioactif
G. Mauny - ORIS, CEA
H. Bernard - Compagnie Générale des Matières Nucléaires
J. Morin - Transnucléaire, France
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This study makes an inventory of external irradiatjon dose equivalents and collective dose equivalents received by workers and the public during the transportation of radioactive materials in France between 1982 and 1988 (in the following, we use only the term dose). It deals with the transport of radiopharmaceuticals, irradiated fuels, wastes and other various radioactive materials. The evolution of the doses is referred to the variation of the number of packages, the mass on the volume transported for these main categories of materials. The transportation of radioactive materials uses various transport means : road, rail, air, and implies the intervention of various societies. Most of them have taken part in this study. Most societies involved in the transport carry out an individual dosimetry of the workers. But the decisions to carry such a dosimetry depends on the appreciation of the employer in relation with the more or less evident level of risk resulting from the transport and handling of the radioactive materials. The relatively low level of risk in current situations could incite some carriers not to carry out individual dosimetry. Thus the knowledge of individual doses essentially variables with the workers would therefore be difficult.