The Safety Assessment of Radioactive Material Transportation at Sea

Koichi Satoh - Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan
S. Ozaki - Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
N. Watabe - Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
S. Fukuda - Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
T. Iida - Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan
S. Miyao - Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc., Tokyo, Japan
K. Noguchi - Mitsubishi Research Institute Inc.
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Large quantities of low level wastes are prepared for transportastion by special use vessels from each power plant to the storage facility at Rokkasho-mura in Aomori Prefecture. Large quantities of reprocessed wastes are also planned for return by similar vessels to the same place from France and the UK. In this paper we describe the safety assessment in hypothetical accident conditions durig such mass transportation at sea. Although the possibilities of the sinking of the special use vessels as shown in figure 1 are considered to be very low on account of their double -hull structure, it is necessary to estimate the radiological risks of the transportation in order to obtain public acceptance. In this study, the following procedure is taken