The Experience of Statistical Accountancy within the Euratom Framework

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Flavio Argentesi - Joint Research Center -- Ispra
Michael Franklin - Joint Research Center -- Ispra
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This paper describes the experience gained from the implementation of an EDP system fpr statistical accountancy of nuclear material within the Euratom Framework. The EDP system (NUMSAS) was developed by the Joint Research Centre of the Commission of the European Communities at Ispra in collaboration with the Euratom Safeguards Directorate of DG XVII. The implementation of NUMSAS involves ongoing cooperation between the Safeguards Directorate, the Safeguards Research Program of the JRC and plant operators in different European countries. NUMSAS is designed for use in accordance with the accountancy regulations established by Euratom Safeguards. These regulations and the accounting provisions required to meet them have been published by the , Commission of the European Communities.
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