A supervisory-level safeguards training program was conducted at ArgonrLe National Laboratory from September 16 to December 3, 1968. The primary traLning of those enrolled was rather varied with accountants, statisticians, chemists, engineers, and business management disciplines all represented. The program included an introductory section in several basic disciplines, lecture and laboratory material on preparing and auditing records, analytical practice, and fuel cycle technology, and plant tours, seminars, library research and prepara- tion of a paper and continuous interdisciplinary discussion. This paper vdLl summarize our thinking in planning the course, what we accomplished and what we may have done less well than we hoped. The second program is under way. It i_s segmented to permit greater homogeneity of students and shorter stays. It i_s quite clear that the growth of the nuclear industry over the next five years will require an increase in the demand for nuclear materials management personnel with a safeguards outlook. The role of the Argonne program in meeting this de- mand will be outlined.