Vithin the next 5 years, the U-1FBR program will require faorication of about 10 tons of plutoniur. into PuGp-UO^ fuel elements: 6 tons for the Fast Flux Test Facility, and k tons for 2-J fast reactor demonstration facilities. Battelle-Northwect has already fabricated over 160 k.~ of 2- wt:/o Pu02 mixed oxide fuel for fast reactor tests. Ccmnereiai fuel suppliers are nov evalu- ating FBR fuel fabrication methods. Fabrication technology is rapidly bein\", developed. An important 'variable to be determined during the U4F3R Program is the competitive unit cost for fabricating FBR fuel. Of the several factors that will affect fabrication costs, criticaiity safety is one of the most important. The question is: Will liir.its imposed by critical!ty safety on unit mass, equip- ment size, etc., be the deciding factor in dictating capital equipment costs, manpower requirements, and production rates? The purpose of this presentation is to provide state-of-the art information to help answer this question. Basic critical parameters for IMFBR fuel have been calculated, and ve now have a rather good insight a.s to trie criticality safety limitations that will be imposed at each stage of fuel fabrication.