Calculated Inventory Difference - A Potential Safegaurds and Material Control Technique

L.T. Hagie - General Electric Co.
W. Marcuse - Brookhaven National Laboratory
D. C. Wadekamper - General Electric Co.
The use of Calculated Inventory Differences as a potential material control measure has been tested at the General Electric Vallocitos Plutonium as part of the Integrated Safegaurds Experiment1. During the fabrication of 48 mixed oxide (urania and plutonia) fuel. material balances around individual process stations were calculated based on weights of materials transferred in and out of the system. Since the fabrication program was conducted in a series of process campaigns for individual fuel experiments, it was possible to clean all processing equipment between enrichment levels and calculate material balances for each process station. The amount of material calculated to be remaining in the individual process station after the between-enrichment clean-outs is termed the Calculated Inventory Difference. The oxide weight of material transferred in and out of each process station was used for one set of material balance calculations, while the \"SS weight\" (metal weight of material after correcting for oxygen avid moisture) was used for a second set.