Future Role of AI/Robotics in Physical Security

James Jacobs - Sandia Laboratories
Manpower requirements for physical security systems place a heavy burden on operating security budgets. Technology innovations which free personnel or which make security personnel more efficient in carrying out their tasks is an important means of dealing with budget and manpower constraints. It is believed that AI/Robotics will be important technologies to alleviate these problems in the future. There are three types of applications for AI and Robotics technology that may: (1) help security personnel perform their tasks more effectively or efficiently, (2) perform tasks that security personnel would otherwise perform (free up people), and (3) perform tasks that cannot be performed by security personnel at this time. This paper will discuss the various types of security applications that are presently being considered for the above areas and will briefly describe a few examples of the application of this technology. Examples will include ground mobile platforms carrying alarm assessment and/or surveillance sensors and operating either autonomously or with telepresence by a remote operator. An airborne platform performing similar functions will also be discussed. An application of a type of robot sentry that would be fixed and incorporate very simple portable displays will also be described. A third type of robot, an interior robot, that could be used in sensitive or hazardous areas to do detection and assessment functions will be reviewed.