Our last speaker of the afternoon. Dr. Rudolph Rometsch, is a native of Switzerland and received his Ph.D. in physical chemistry from the University of Basel in Switzerland. He began his career teaching at the University of Basel. He subsequently held positions with CIBA Limited in Switzerland and Eurochemic in Belgium. He has held his present position as Deputy Director General, Department of Safeguards and Inspection with the International Atomic Energy Agency since 1969. Dr. Rometsch is no stranger to the INNM having last addressed the Institute at our sixteenth Annual meeting in New Orleans in 1975. Dr. Rometsch: I want to thank the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management for inviting me to come to Washington to discuss with you some of the major issues in the area of international safeguards. The particular topic on which I would like to focus, namely the interrelation or the interface between IAEA safeguards and the nuclear industry, was suggested by Bob Keep in.