Modeling, Simulation, and Estimation for Real-Tiroe Materials Control*

C.L. Pomernacki - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
R.H. Sanborn - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
The utility of modeling and simulation for the safeguards aspects of Nuclear Fuel Processing Facilities is two-fold in nature. First, a model can be used to simulate plant operations to aid in the development of instrument and automation system specifications. Second, a model can be used in conjunction with on-line operations as an integral part of an automated estimation procedure for position-identification of special nuclear materials. Ultimately the gains of a real-time materials control plan would be realized through its compatibility with automated process operations as well as through increased confidence in a safeguards system which responds in a timely manner. In addition, the increased credibility of an on-line data gathering and estimating system could result in more process compatible physical inventory requirements.