The purpose of this paper is to tell you what we in the Chicago Operations Office have tried to do with Non-Destructive Analysis (NDA) equipment and what the results of our efforts were. First, I will give you the overall picture of our program - some of the philosophies and constraints we operate under. Later, I will go into the description of our equipment and some results in operation. I will highlight the advantages and disadvantages or limitations of some of the instruments. This paper is not intended to present a rigorous review of the measurements done by us or the capabilities of the instruments. The purpose is to present the overall observations and conclusions about the use of NDA equipment in the course of our work as AEG safeguards personnel. I will compare in general terms the operating characteristics, capabilities, and limitations of the various instruments, in the conditions that we use them. Details of measurement results and capabilities of these and similar instruments have been published elsewhere, and the detailed results of our measurements are available also.