An integrated Near-Real-Time Materials Accountancy Safeguards system

Toshio SAWAHATA - Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation
K. Ikawa - International Atomic Energy Agency
J. Lovett - International Atomic Energy Agency
M. Tsutsumi - Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corp.
H. Ihara - Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
As a part of the TASTEX program, a study of the feasibility of using near-real-time materials accountancy in the process area of the PNC-Tokai reprocessing facility has been carried out. Initial results led to the conclusion that the proposed accountancy scheme would meet IAEA quantity and timeliness safeguards goals [1]. More recently, the study has been expanded to include actual field testing, the development of IAEA verification procedures, and the incorporation of elements of process monitoring. The study has also been expanded to include the spent fuel storage area and the product storage area, so that the final result will be an integrated safeguards system for the PNCTokai facility.