Support Programmes to IAEA Safeguards - A Major Potential for Future Development of International Safeguards

Paul Ek - Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate (SKI)
A. Nilsson - Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate
Support Programmes to IAEA safeguards constitutes a major developmental potential for future safeguards, provided that both the IAEA and the Support Programme countries adjust and organize themselves to meet increased demands. The recent restructuring within the IAEA provides for more efficient administration of Support Programmes within the IAEA. In addition, coordinated and complete specifications by the IAEA of needs for Research and Development are required, as is also a coordinated and complete R&D Programme. Special attention is required for long-term R&D. Support Programmes need to organize themselves to meet new demands of the IAEA. Increased cooperation among Support Programmes and increased responsibility, in particular, for long-term R&D are envisaged for Support Programmes. Special funding, kept separate from the operational budget of the IAEA, needs to be available also in the future. The aim of the paper is to further discuss and elaborate upon these and related questions.