The IDA-80 Measurement Evaluation Program on Mass Spectrometric Isotope Dilution Measurement of Uranium and Plutonium: Objectives and Design

Paul De Bievre - Commission of the European Communities
W. Beyrich - Joint Research Centre of the Commission of the European Community
For nuclear materials management and safeguards, accurate determinations of fissile material in reprocessing input solutions belong to the key tasks since they provide the basic information required for the accountancy and control of the whole fuel cycle. Up to now mass Spectrometric isotope dilution analysis (IDA) is the most accurate analytical tool for this purpose. In the IDA-80 Interlaboratory Measurement Evaluation Program, the capability of this technique is studied on three types of test samples: i) undiluted feed solution, ii) diluted feed solution, iii) reference solution (fission product free). The aim of the program is to determine present reliability of these U and Pu input measurements. It is presented here in some detail. The interlaboratory test is now running with the participation of 37 laboratories in 12 countries.