The electronic verifier of COBRA seal has been designed to read, store, and compare the identity pattern of COBRA seal electronically. The COBRA seal was developed at Sandia National Laboratories as an in situ verifiable sealing system. The COBRA system consists of fiber optic loop with seal body and a seal pattern recorder/verifier. The seal pattern is photographed by the recorder/verifier and the seal is verified by visual photograph overlay comparison. The automatic verification of COBRA seal is an attractive option for further deployment of COBRA seal. The electronic verifier of JAERI consists of a probe to read a seal pattern by CCD camera, a pattern comparator to calculate the correlation co-efficient of the digitized patterns and a liquid crystal display to indicate the correlation coefficient Although the original electronic verifier demonstrated the promising features of the automatic verification of the COBRA seal, it had a weakness in the calculation of the correlation coefficients due to the looseness of the optical system of the verifier. The Mark-2 model has been developed which adopts the advanced pattern reconition technique to overcome the inevitable looseness of the optics system.