Alfred E. Winblad - Sandia National Laboratories
R.A. Al-Ayat - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
T. Renis - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
J. C. Matter - Sandia National Laboratories
Safeguards professionals need a single, comprehensive tool for evaluating safeguards effectiveness against theft of special nuclear material by many different adversaries: insid- ers, outsiders, and colluding insiders and out- siders. This paper describes a new integrated vulnerability assessment tool which is cur- rently being tested and will be ready for re- lease later this year. The tool consists of five modules: Integration System Manager, Facility Description, Insider Evaluation, Outsider Evalu- ation, and Collusion Evaluation. The Integration System Manager is designed to keep track of analyses completed and in progress, while the Facility Description Module allows the user to describe the facility targets and safeguards components. Information gathered by the Fa- cility Description Module can then be used by the three evaluation modules. The Outsider Evaluation Module is an enhanced version of SAVI (Systematic Analysis of Vulnerability to Intrusion) that includes an expanded outsider threat spectrum, a faster path algorithm, and a neutralization model based on BATLE (Brief Adversary Threat Loss Estimator). The Insider Evaluation Module is based on a new model, and it includes extensive databases for adver- sary attributes and strategies; it also contains a reference detection database. Insider/Outsider Collusion will be limited to \"hand-off\" scenarios. This tool will provide a standard approach for evaluating safeguards effectiveness and for preparing Master Safeguards and Security Agreements at various DOE facilities.