Volume Calibration and Instrument Testing at ENEA Central Research Laboratory, Casaccia

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M. Aparo - C.R.E. Casaccia
M. Dionisi - C.R.E. Casaccia
S.C. Suda - Brookhaven National Laboratory
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The Italian Nuclear and Alternative Energy Commission (ENEA) has established a testing facility for volume measurement instruments and techniques at its Central Research Laboratory in Casaccia. The testing apparatus consists of a scale model of the ENEA ITREC pilot reprocessing plant input accountability tank made of clear acrylic (Methylmithacrilate) which permits observation of the test conditions and relationships among alternative volume measurement instruments. For the test reported in this paper, the IAEA Ruska Electromanometer system was installed in the tank and used as a reference for assessing the performance of alternative upgraded volume instruments. In this paper we present results of the tests conducted in the summer of 1987 under a joint ITAUSA- IAEA task.
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