U.S. Department of Energy Safeguards Research and Development Program and The Brookhaven National Laboratory Technical Support Organization Role

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Glenn A. Hammond - U.S. Department of Energy
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The Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) Technical Support Organization (TSO) has played a key role over the past 20 years in the evolution of much of the effective materials control and accountability systems implemented successfully at Department of Energy (DOE) facilities. The safeguards research and development program of the U.S. DOE is summarized, noting the contributions of the BNL-TSO. During 1977-79, the non-proliferation features of many nuclear fuel cycles were studied in support of the International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Evaluation. The Beirut bombings of 1982 led to increased emphasis on physical protection and to establishment of a Central Training Academy. High-level and all-DOE reviews of DOE safeguards and security led to major improvements in the management, operations, and assessment ofDOE's safeguards and security programs during 1985-88. TSO is expected to continue to play a lead role in stimulating new research initiatives and in guiding the development that is necessary for future challenges in maintaining cost-effective and credible safeguards.
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