Technical Support Organization Efforts in Support of IAEA Safeguards

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David M. Gordon - Brookhaven National Laboratory
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The Technical Support Organization (TSO) of the Brookhaven National Laboratory has been carrying out tasks in support of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards since 1968, when TSO was founded. These tasks have been funded by both the Department of Energy Office of Safeguards and Security and by the United States Program of Technical Assistance to IAEA Safeguards (POTAS). These tasks have included a variety of systems studies (e.g., the zone approach to IAEA safeguards, the Safeguards Effectiveness Assessment Methodology, and international safeguards for uranium enrichment plants), development of instruments (e.g., the automated electromanometer and the load-cell-based weighing system for UF documents, training of inspectors, and the development and evaluation of safeguards seals. This paper reviews some of the highlights from this program of support. 6 cylinders), preparation of guidance
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