Technical Assistance to IAEA Safeguards: The Canadian Program

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Clifford W. Zarecki Zarecki Clifford W. Zarecki Zarecki - Atomic Energy of Canada Limited
R. M. Smith R. M. Smith - Atomic Energy of Canada Limited
David A. Head - Atomic Energy Control Board
R. M. Duncan - Atomic Energy Control Board
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For many years the policy of the Canadian government has been that the export of nuclear material, facilities, and equipment is conditional on an agreement between Canada and the receiving State which prohibits military uses. When the Treaty on the Non- Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) was established in 1970, Canada was one fo the first to ratify it and to accept the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspection at its nuclear facilities. As a member of the Nuclear Suppliers Group, Canada supports and enforces the requirement for the application of safeguards to all exported strategic nuclear materials, facilities, equipment, and technology. Canada now requires that agreements for such exports be made only with countries which are signatories of the NPT or which accept equivalent full-scope safeguards.
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