A System for Monitoring Movement of Spent Fuel

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F. F. Dean F. F. Dean - Sandia National Laboratories
R. P. McKnight R. P. McKnight - Sandia National Laboratories
F.A. Bailey - Sandia National Laboratories
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A prototype containment and surveillance system for monitoring the movement of spent fuel has been developed by Sandia National Laboratories. It offers the possibility of reducing the cost of effective international safeguards of spent nuclear reactor fuel. System tests conducted at an existing nuclear power generating station, on a fuel shipping vehicle, and at a spent fuel storage facility demonstrate the feasibility of this monitoring system. The system operates unattended for extended periods, incorporates self-checking and tamper-detection devices, continuously records all spent fuel movements, and assists in the independent verification of the item inventory. During a two-year feasibility demonstration, the containment and surveillance system monitored all fuel shipments without a false alarm. Based on the results of the demonstration tests an advanced version of the prototype system is being developed for International Atomic Energy Agency evaluation at an operating facility.
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