Safeguards Instrumentation: A Computer-Based Catalog-

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Leslie G. Fishbone - Brookhaven National Laboratory
Bernard Keisch - Brookhaven National Laboratory
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V-10_3.pdf6.65 MB
Safeguards Instrumentation; A Computer-Based Catalog is a reference book compiled for the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Safeguards and Security (DOE/OSS). The information is needed to help plan U.S. policies and procedures regarding international safeguards. The Catalog contains descriptions stored in a computer data base of about 175 items of equipment, including both instruments for nondestructive assay (NDA) and devices for containment and surveillance (CS), and either listings (when known) or estimates of their purchase and operating costs and useful lifetime. Since the Catalog was written to aid in the formulation of international safeguards policies, devices for physical protection are not included. Though comprehensive systems are included, no attempt was made in compiling the Catalog to define complete safeguards systems for facilities.
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V-10_1.pdf5.09 MB
V-10_2.pdf5.24 MB
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V-10_4.pdf4.84 MB