Safeguards Implementation in the Nuclear Fuel

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G. Robert Keepin G. Robert Keepin - Los Alamos National Laboratory
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The role of modern safeguards technology in implementing effective national and international safeguards is described. Some of the major programmatic activities in the United States Department of Energy Safeguards R & D program are reviewed and documented including safeguards systems design, process simulation and effectiveness evaluation, and safeguards technology development, test, evaluation and in-plant implementation. The availability of newlydeveloped nondestructive assay technology, together with in-line process instrumentation, automatic item identification and verification equipment, as well as modern computerized data analysis and data base management technology, has led to a whole new generation of "dynamic" materials accounting/control systems. A number of these systems that are currently under development both in the United States and in other countries are briefly described and documented. It is shown that proper implementation of dynamic materials accounting/control can provide greatly-enhanced detection sensitivity for nuclear material diversion in various types of nuclear facilities. Recent developments in nuclear materials measurement technology and nondestructive assay instrumentation are reviewed from the standpoint of domestic safeguards in various fuel cycle facilities, as well as international (IAEA) safeguards inspection and independent verification.
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