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The fundamental role of OSE is to assess the effectiveness of Safeguards and Security (S&>S) policies and programs in the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). To achieve this objective, OSE conducts a management-oriented Inspection and Evaluation (!&>E) program which is one of the three levels of S&>S oversight in the DOE; i.e., 1) operating contractor self-audit; 2) field office survey of contractor; and 3) Headquarters !&>E. The I&)E management-oriented and independent oversight program reports to the Secretary through the Assistant Secretary for Defense Programs. The !&>E effort involves an evaluation of field office and contractor management of the S&>S program. The inspection (I) activity is a "vertical" assessment of a particular field office over the spectrum of up to eight topics. The Evaluation (E) activity reviews specific elements or topics across the DOE; hence these are described as "horizontal" assessments. These 1&>E activities include both compliance and performance tests nuclear material control capabilities, and computer security, etc. The !&>Es are performed on an 18-month cycle. This paper describes the background leading to the current OSE, the basic organizational structure, the accomplishments achieved in 1986-88 the directions of the program up to the end of June 1988, and new avenues to enhance the effectiveness and credibility of the program. —the latter includes such topics as response forces,"59 key facilities " on
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