The Role of the INMM in Remote Fuel Fabrication

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Roy Cardwell - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
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The general role of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (INMM) is the same as that of any technical society — to provide a forum for the communication of information between members and to promote the profession. The Institute is unique, however, in that it is the only professional society dedicated exclusively to the field of safeguards and nuclear materials management. It is international in scope, having both chartered a Japanese chapter and accepted the petition for a chapter in Europe last year. Specifically, the INMM defines nuclear materials management as an interrelated operation of material control, accountability, and security. It includes safeguards, but as a much more encompassing term, since it also strives for conservatism and efficiency in the use of the materials and the quality of the nuclear product as well as in protection from unauthorized diversion. The primary role of the INMM in remote fabrication is synonomous with its role in any process of the fuel cycle, that is, to determine through the collective expertise and experience of members the best management methods and approaches to apply to each process segment to achieve the desired management goals and conform to the regulations. This is pursued by the communication techniques of the annual technical meetings, various special workshops, and our quarterly technical journal. Two additional major activities of INMM that contribute strongly to remote fuel fabrication standards and certification are also discussed.
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