Physical ProtectionA History and Overview

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W.C. Myre - Sandia National Laboratories
James M. de Montmollin James M. de Montmollin - Sandia National Laboratories
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Serious concern about physical protection of nuclear facilities began around 1972. R&D was initiated at Sandia National Laboratories which had developed techniques to protect weapons for many years. Special vehicles, convoy procedures, and a communications system previously developed for weapons shipments were improved and extended for shipments of other sensitive materials. Barriers, perimeter alarms, portal and internal control systems were developed, tested, and published in handbooks and presented at symposia. Training programs were initiated for U.S. and foreign personnel. Containment and surveillance techniques were developed for the IAEA. Presently emphasis is on computer security, active barriers, and techniques to prevent theft or sabotage by "insiders."
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