The LASL U.S. ERDA Nondestructive Assay Training Program

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Ronald Augustson - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Douglas Reilly - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Thomas Canada - Los Alamos National Laboratory
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A wide variety of new nondestructive assay (NDA) instruments and techniques are required to measure, safeguard and control special nuclear materials (SNM) in the many different chemical and physical forms in which they are found throughout the nuclear fuel cycle. The transfer of NDA technology from the instrument development laboratory to various types of plants and facilities in the nuclear fuel cycle is an important part of the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory's Research and Development Program in Nuclear Safeguards. To implement this technology transfer, the U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration has established at LASL the U.S. ERDA Nondestructive Assay Training Program, which is now available to essentially all qualified users (in both government and private sectors) of NDA equipment for the measurement and control of fissionable material. The present curriculum consists of a one-week course in basic passive gamma and neutron assay, emphasizing the use of portable instrumentation, and a more advanced course (one-week duration) in high resolution gamma-ray assay. An advanced neutron assay course may be made a part of the curriculum when the demand merits. The goal of these courses is to teach specific principles and practical skills which are essential to both the inspectors and the plant personnel who are responsible for conducting various assay and verification measurements.
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