Application of Modular Vault Dry Storage to Public Service of ColoradoFort St. Vrain

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M. Lehr - Public Service Company of Colorado
C.J. Ealing - GEC ALSTHOM Engineering Systems Ltd.
B.K. Agarwal - FW Energy Applications
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V-18_3.pdf5.82 MB
In March of 1988 NRC gave Topical Report approval for the first dry vault storage system to be submitted for nonsite specific design approval. This paper describes the first site specific application of the FW/GEC Modular Vault Dry Store (MVDS) for the Public Service of Colorado- Fort St. Vrain site. The decision to permanently shut down the Fort St. Vrain high temperature gas-cooled reactor in August 1989 provides the need to store on site 1,482 irradiated fuel blocks and a quantity of other reactor core components categorised as greater than Class C wastes. The MVDS system has been selected for the safe storage of these items in a facility designed to receive, store and discharge fuel to the repository totally independent from the original reactor facilities.
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