Where do the Nuclear Materials Management Functions Fit in the Materials Control and Accountability (MC&A) Plan

E.A. DeVer - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Safeguards had its beginning in the early 1940s and has continued to grow through the stormy years in dealing with nuclear materials. MC&A Plans have been developed for each facility which includes requirements for containment, surveillance, internal controls, measurements, statistics, records and report systems, and inventory certification of its nuclear materials, in the context of how precisely the inventory is known at stated risk or confidence levels. The I&E Regulations, the newest document affecting the control system, are used for testing the current MC&A Plan in place at each facility. Nuclear Materials Management activities also have reporting requirements that include, (1) Annual Forecast, (2) Materials Management Plan, (3) Quarterly Status Report, (4) Assessment Report, and (5) Scrap and Excess Material Management. Data used to generate reports for both functions come from the same data base and source documents at most facilities. The separation of sponsoring groups at the DOE for NM Accountability and NM Management can and does pose problems for contractors. In this paper, we will try to separate and identify these overlaps at the Facility and DOE level.