An important contributor to M1VS overall system reliability is its dual Video Tape Recorder (VTR) subsystem. In a collaborative effort, Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) and IAEA have tested more than 165 video tape recorders and accumulated over 14 million recorded scenes to verify VTR subsystem performance. Of this total, approximately 11 million scenes were collected by running 143 VTRs at SNL while an additional three mi]lion scenes using 22 VTRs were accrued during a reliability test of 10 MIVS systems at IAEA. This paper describes statistical techniques applied to the aggregate data (SNL/IAEA) to calculate instantaneous failure rates through a hazard plotting technique. This technique resulted in a VTR survival forecast as a function of total recorded scenes plus the identification of significantly different failure rates as a function of cumulative scenes. The paper concludes with a description of the act ivities undertaken to further enhance VTR performance even though the original reliability goals had been met.