Verification of a Modular Safeguards Control and Communication System

Stephen Ortiz - Sandia National Laboratories
J. Anthony Roybal - Sandia National Laboratories
J. Stephen Williams - Sandia National Laboratories-
Gilbert R. Quintana - Sandia National Laboratories
A Safeguards Control and Communication System (SCCS) has been developed for a facility based on existing modular SCCS software for another facility. The majority of FORTRAN 77 software modules were directly carried over from one SCCS to the other with only minor modifications for site-specific considerations. Therefore, savings in time and money for design, development, fabrication, and documentation were realized. Two significant hardware changes were made in the SCCS which accounted for most of the software development. The Alarm Multiplexer Communication System (AMCS) was used instead of the Loop Multiplexer Communication System (LMCS) for alarm reporting. The Tektronix M4125 color graphic system was used in place of the Advanced Electronics Design 512 color graphic system for the display of system status and information. A map editor has been written for the Tektronix M4125 which facilitates the development and modification of displays. Substitution of these systems enhanced the flexibility of the SCCS because common problems in physical protection system development are addressed.