VACOSS 3, A versatile and Tamper-Resistant Electronic Sealing System

H. Bueker - Nuclear Research Center, Juelich
F. Arning - ProCom Ingenieur-Unternehmen, Aachen
Seal systems for c/s instrumentation used at present need considerable technical and personal expenditure for installation and verification. A new electronic seal system VACOSS 3, developed by ProCom GmbH, Aachen, and the Nuclear Research Center Juelich within the frame work of an IAEA research contract, allows simple installation, verification, the possibility of remote verification and has high tamper resistance. Moreover it is able to store several seal data and the seal can be used as often as desired. The VACOSS 3 system consists of the seal unit with a fibre optic light guide and of two types of adapter boxes. The seal stores up to lo opening and closing events, the present status of the fibre optic light guide, the status of battery and seal housing. Seal data are encrypted for tamper safed data transmission. With adapter box I the seal can be initialized and seal data can be read out and decrypted. With adapter box II only encrypted seal data can be read out.