The Upgrading of Nuclear Plant E-Field Perimeter Detection Systems

Richard W. Hansen - Stellar Systems, Inc.
The Electrostatic-Field (E-Field) Perimeter Intrusion Detection Sensor was developed in the early 1970's and was widely adopted by the Nuclear Power Generating Industry - as a primary perimeter sensor for nuclear power plant use. This usage began in that decade, and continues through the 1980's. Significant advances in the state of the art for electronic devices and techniques have been made since the early development of the E-Field perimeter sensor system. In addition, the overall outdoor perimeter sensor industry has matured over the past 10 years, providing a more knowledgeable end user and a qualified industry base of security system designers and product manufacturers. Commensurate with these developments, nuclear plants became operational. The majority came on-line after perimeter detection systems had already been installed; many of these early systems were not operationally approved by the end user nor the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Total systems were allowed to stand dormant (not operational) - with virtually no maintenance, over long periods of time - before they were finally commissioned into operational use. This neglect exacerbated problems associated with perimeter systems in an outdoor environment. This paper will address the problems associated with poor E-Field performance in the power plant environment and will demonstrate the methods and approaches used to correct these difficulties.