Carl R. Spencer - Battelle Memorial Institute
The Training Program Plan documents vital information about the training program. The Plan is a ready reference used for orientation, management, evaluation, and public relations. Preparing and updating the Plan helps the staff improve the focus of the program and communicates management intent both externally and internally. The Plan presents what the organization means by \"training\" and why and how it is conducting training. It states why it believes the content of the program is valid and the methods it uses to ensure that individuals who have completed training are properly prepared. The introduction section of the Plan states the background, mission, and authority for the program. Other sections present program goals and objectives, deliverables, and milestones. The Plan also describes the approach taken to training, how the courses were developed and validated, what facilities and equipment are used, the record keeping system for the program, the plan for evaluating program success, and the resources, organization, job descriptions, and staff qualifications of the program. In this paper the content of each of these sections is described and examples of content for each are provided.