TMI-2 Transportation Program: Design Considerations for the NUPAC 125-B Cask Handling and Loading/Unloading Equipment

Duane S. Schmoker - Nuclear Packaging, Inc.
Richard C. Schmitt - Idaho National Laboratory
R.J. Barkanic - Bechtel Eastern Power Corporation
Removal, transport and receipt of core debris from the damaged reactor at Three Mile Island Unit 2 (TMI-2) required the design of transport cask handling and \"dry\" loading and unloading equipment. The system for \"dry\" (not underwater) loading of the transport cask includes; 1) equipment for handling the cask, 2) equipment for loading core debris canisters into the cask at TMI, and 3) equipment for removing the canisters in a hot cell facility. This paper reviews the technical design considerationsi operational parameters and summarizes lessons learned in the design, testing, startup and use of the equipment provided for the TMI-2 Transportation Program.