Donald G. Bruckner - Holmes & Narver, Inc.
In Protective Programming Planning, it is important that every facility or installation be configured to support the basic functions and mission of the using organization. This paper addresses the process of identifying the key functional operations of our facilities in Europe and providing the security necessary to keep them operating in natural and man-made threat environments. Functional Readiness is important since many of our existing facilities in Europe were not constructed to meet the demands of today's requirements. There are increased requirements for real-time systems with classified terminals and stringent access control, tempest and other electronic protection devices. One must prioritize the operations of these systems so that essential functions are provided even when the facilities are affected by overt or covert hostile activities. A careful analysis of the automated features, power requirements, and basic survivability is necessary to assure the right systems continue to function as required. Unfortunately systems continue to be added without looking at how the most essential activities are protected. Vital systems must be capable of operating independently or manually if required by emergencies. Also, it is necessary to \"design in\" the procedures and policies that permit operators to decide which critical systems will continue to operate and maintain their required level of protection/security.