Systems Analysis for Materials Control and Accountancy Technology

R.G. Bucher - Argonne National Laboratory
Thomas A. Daly - Argonne National Laboratory
A.B. Rothman - Argonne National Laboratory
I. Charak - Argonne National Laboratory
The objective is to upgrade Materials Control and Accountancy (MC&A) technology over the flows of special nuclear materials throughout the DOE complex of fuel cycles. The program focus is to develop a \"Management Tool\" for decision support in evaluating MC&A upgrades, and in validating the MC&A aspects of the Master Safeguards and Security Agreements (MSSA) effectiveness. The approach is the computerization of the nuclear materials flow charts, identification of key measurement locations in the production and product fuel cycle, and construct data information processing at each measurement location. The program is to provide the Office of Safeguards and Security (OSS) with a timely management decision support system in planning MC&A safeguards technology upgrades over the nuclear materials production and product cycles.