Survey of High Security Tamper-indicating Enclosures

Billy D. Black - Sandia National Laboratories
This paper is a summary of a survey performed to provide general information and data pertaining to high-security, tamper-protected enclosures, seals, and locks. The survey was conducted to identify existing technologies available commercially and through Sandia National Laboratories resources. This information is intended for arms control and treaty verification purposes. The technologies presented are intended to address high-security issues in protecting equipment exposed to a national laboratory level threat. The enclosures address the high-technology attack and are designed to detect, but not prevent, an attack by determined force. This survey identifies sources for further information but does not attempt to discuss the vulnerabilities or limitations of each technology. Recommendations are included to identify technologies that should be considered for further development for treaty verification applications. A complete list of references and descriptions of the technologies briefly identified in this paper are available in the original survey by the same title