STATIV - An iterative statistical procedure

Norbert Peter - Institut fur Datenverarbeitung in der Teclmik
An iterative statistical procedure called STATIV (STAtistisches Trenderkennungs Iterationsverfahren mit V-Maske-Technik und Varianzanalyse) is described. This procedure consists of one-way analysis of variance and of V-mask-technic. It allows us to make some statements about the beginning and the size of systematic trends in series of measurements (time series). Furthermore it gives some answers to the problem of the random measurement error and the systematic measurement error. STATIV is tested by real data and by simulation data. In this case the real data are produced by the KfK K-edge densitometer, which is presently in operation at the European Institute for Transuranium Elements, Karlsruhe. These data give information about the element concentration and plutonium isotopic composition. The KfK K-edge densitometer is Providing data from regular control measurements or a time period of more than six years. This has been done to ensure continuous measurement quality under routine operation of the instrument. At least STATIV is investigated to get a feeling for the robustness of this method.